Christian Book Publishing - Come and Join Others In Christ

Let's Publish and You Are Invited To Participate!

You Write It and We Will Publish It
Let's share the love of Christ with the world.

  • For published, self-published, and first-time Christian authors.
  • Gain multi-published Christian author status.
  • Share your Christian testimony, teaching, story, or article.

Let's Publish!! -  The book will be a collection of short articles (writings) from various Christian authors just like you. There is also a lot of exposure for each author who participates.

Some authors will write a fresh new article for publication while others will choose to use a portion of a chapter from a previous book that they have published and then at the end of the article place "taken from the book ( title of the book ) available on Amazon or at the author's website.

Each author's article will appear in the order that they sign up and complete the payment process. So for those of you who want to be in the front portion of the book, get signed up right away as the spots go fast.

We also would like for each author who signs up to include a short bio at the end of their article so that readers know more about you as the author of the article. This is not mandatory, however, available for those authors who would like to include a short bio to be published along with their article. It is also important that you list all the books that you have published at the end of your article by title so that book lovers can find and purchase them along with your author's website address if you have one. 

What To Write: Write something original around your favorite scripture or something that is a testimony of God's love, faithfulness, and promises. Remember, the whole purpose of the book is to bless and encourage others so that opens the door to endless topics and subjects, like Love, Grace, Mercy, Salvation, Trust, God's Word, Healing, Miracles, The Power of Prayer, Overcoming Sorrow, Overcoming Depression, Restoration, God's Promises, Personal Testimonies, etc. Blink, someone already thought of a great topic. Maybe that is you? 

Your Article: The overall word count of the book will be set at 50,000 words, give or take. With 25 authors participating, each author's article will need to be 2,000 words or less which calculates out to approximately 8 pages at 250 words per page. Remember, it is not how much you write or say, but rather the life-changing testimony or article that you write. Dig deep, each of you has something profound to share. Something that God has sown into you that is life-changing that will bless others. 

It is written that we overcome by the blood of the lamb of God and the word of our testimony. Each of you are overcomers and each of you is filled with volumes of testimonies. Life-changing testimonies or pearls as we like to call them. Let's share them with the world. 

Credits: Each author's name will be credited on each article, for example "written by Author John Doe, author of Faith Restored." For multi-published authors, we would make mention of up to three of your published books at the end of your article. Each author will also receive a custom book banner that showcases the new book release that they can post on their website or blog when the book is published.

We are proud to work with some of the most talented Christian authors and writers in the industry. Our Christian authors come from diverse backgrounds and have a passion for sharing the love of Christ that shines brightly into the world and lives of others. 

We have Senior Pastors, Associate Pastors. Missionaries, Evangelists, Award Winning Christian Authors, Multi-Published Christian Authors, Best Selling Authors, Self-published Authors, and Writers who participate. Come and join us.

Christian Book Publishing - Christian Authors Wanted 

40 Fun, Daily Joy-Spreading Activities for The Kids

 A Must-Read For The Entire Family 
The Santa Committee is a wonderful Christmas story
for old and young alike! 

Publish Your Book - Christian Book Publishing

 Christian Book Editing 

Our Professional Book Editing services will provide you with the peace of mind that your Christian book has been professionally edited and is ready for publishing. Our editors have over 15 years of experience editing Christian manuscripts and materials coupled with over 20 years of knowledge in biblical studies, Kingdom principles, and scripture. 

Christian Book Publishing 

Our Christian Book Publishing Assistance Packages place the author in complete control of their published works holding 100% copyright of their book and providing them with great author ordering book prices and the ability to log into their publishing account and see book sales in real-time 24/7/365 days a year.

For More Information
Christian Book Publishing 

April 8, 2024, The Great American Eclipse

In Genesis God declares that He created the sun and the moon for signs. 
On April 8, 2024, is the Great American Eclipse that crosses over the United States on the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (Passover). This was the same first day of the three days of darkness that occurred during the original plagues in Egypt. This solar eclipse is a HEAVENLY sign from the Creator which will be the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam - Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, the Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and, some of which, are already attacking US soldiers and facilities in Iraq and Syria almost daily. In this book you'll find every Shemitah Cycle and Jubilee Cycle from the Creation of the World until today. 
You'll see the timing of major biblical and important historical events.

Marketing Christian Books - Let's Create A Custom Banner for Your Book

Custom Book Banner Promotions

Let's create 10 Custom Banners that showcase your book.

Here is what you get:

  • 10 Custom Banner Backgrounds - We will send you all 10 custom banners using 10 separate backgrounds so that you can share them by email, online, through social media, on your website or on your blog. We will use backgrounds that will compliment your book cover image. Some authors print them out as giveaways or to use at book signings.
  • We Will Post One Banner On 10 Sites with a link back to your website or book's Amazon page.
  • That's Marketing On 10 Separate Christian Sites That Showcases Your Book and Shares Your Amazon Page Link So That People Can Purchase Your Book.
  • Plus We Will Promote Your Book Using A Banner Through Social Media On Two Separate Twitter Pages.
( see a sample here )  
Christian Book Release 

Christian authors depend upon Christian Book Marketing 
Contact CBM at kingdomexpansion1(at)gmail(dot)com

From The Author of Little Bit & Big Byte Series Comes If I Had Ten Dollars

Christian books and reading
It wasn't that long ago that having ten dollars to spend, as a child, seemed like a lot of money.

If this were the case today, what would our children do, wish, enjoy, dream, or buy with a small financial windfall?

IF I HAD TEN DOLLARS delightfully answers some of these questions.

Discover different ways in which children can earn some extra income. Laugh at the antics of the fun character on every page that steals the scene. 

Recognize the love and affection between a little boy and his older sister. Enjoy the simple rhythmic tone of a story that children will want to hear again and again. Hunt for the hidden object to find on each page. Share the important life lesson that we can all learn from.
Participate in the hands-on fun of a coloring page.

From the author and illustrator of the popular Little Bit & Big Byte series and Qwerty, The Forgotten Typewriter comes a classic Children's Picture book about our wishes and desires and what truly makes us happy.  Get your copy of If I Had TEN Dollars at Amazon.

Christian authors depend upon Christian Book Marketing 
Contact CBM at kingdomexpansion1(at)gmail(dot)com