Custom Book Banner Promotions
Let's create 10 Custom Banners that showcase your book.
Here is what you get:
- 10 Custom Banner Backgrounds - We will send you all 10 custom banners using 10 separate backgrounds so that you can share them by email, online, through social media, on your website or on your blog. We will use backgrounds that will compliment your book cover image. Some authors print them out as giveaways or to use at book signings.
- We Will Post One Banner On 10 Sites with a link back to your website or book's Amazon page.
- That's Marketing On 10 Separate Christian Sites That Showcases Your Book and Shares Your Amazon Page Link So That People Can Purchase Your Book.
- Plus We Will Promote Your Book Using A Banner Through Social Media On Two Separate Twitter Pages.
( see a sample here )
Christian Book Release
Christian Book Release
Christian authors depend upon Christian Book Marketing
Contact CBM at kingdomexpansion1(at)gmail(dot)com