Let CBM Christian Book Marketing showcase your book cover image with a live link back to either your Author's Website, Amazon Book page, Kindle Book page, Barnes and Noble Book page or any other bookstore page where book lovers can find and purchase your book at.
Regardless of your marketing budget, we have separate prime front page marketing packages that will place your book on anywhere from 10 to 100 separate Christian sites, all of which share Christian books and Christian ministries nationally, internationally and around the world.
CBM offers a variety of Christian Book Marketing Services to include, Book Reviews / 100 site Book Review Marketing Packages, Author Press Releases Packages, 100 site Author's Article Blast Packages, "Coming Soon" or "New Book Release" Marketing, Prime Front Page Placement Packages, , Kindle Promotions, Community Social Media Book Marketing and we also help Christian authors self publish their books and save a lot of money in the process.
Don't get lost in the mix in that huge online ocean of information. Let's showcase your book and get you the exposure that you deserve. Christian authors use Christian Book Marketing to showcase their books.